Total creative freedom, basic textual content provided. I provided all design, layout and visual elements.
Designed using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Lenny Plotitsa | FastFIxTN
Fast-Fix Table Tent Cards
Table tent cards designed for the Grand Opening of the Fast-Fix Jewelry and Watch Repair location at the Opry Mills Nashville, Tennessee location. The client wanted something to set on tables in the food court and other locations around the mall to promote their new location Grand Opening. The main purpose was to create something that would be visually appealing and entice people to look more closely. According to the clients the table tent cards were a success!
Total creative freedom, basic textual content provided. I provided all design, layout and visual elements.
Designed using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Lenny Plotitsa | FastFIxTN