Complete website design and custom Wordpress theme development. Make websites live on clients server once development sites approved.
Designed using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Built using HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery, MySQL, and PHP. Uses Wordpress with a custom theme as the CMS.
Brent & Brian Lapp | Morningstar Design Co.

Rockwood Sheds

Rockwood Sheds website designed and developed for Morningstar Design Co. This fun little project was built using WordPress as the CMS and I built a fully responsive custom theme specifically for them.

Live site:

Complete website design and custom Wordpress theme development. Make websites live on clients server once development sites approved.
Designed using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Built using HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery, MySQL, and PHP. Uses Wordpress with a custom theme as the CMS.
Brent & Brian Lapp | Morningstar Design Co.

Make a Connection

Make a Connection

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